BE Mitzvah Preparation Components


  • Each BE Mitzvah family will be paired up with one of our rabbis for the preparation period and for the service

  • BE Mitzvah Orientation and Family BE Mitzvah Classes for students and parents during 6th grade

  • Participation in 6th grade and 7th grade Education Program

  • Creating a d’var Torah with your lead rabbi

  • Studying prayers and Torah/Haftarah with temple tutors and the cantor

  • Service rehearsal for the family in the Sanctuary with the rabbis or cantor

  • Attendance at Shabbat services


Students generally are expected to prepare the following parts of the service. We understand that every student learns differently.

  • Selected verses of Torah to be chanted

  • A passage from the Haftarah to be chanted

  • The Torah and Haftarah blessings

  • Friday evening Kiddush and Motzi (to be chanted at the Friday evening service before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

  • Blessing for Tallit

  • Birchot HaShachar (Morning Blessings)

  • Reader’s Kaddish

  • Barchu

  • Yotzer Or

  • Shema, V’ahavta

  • Mi Chamocha

  • Beginning of the Amidah (Avot V’Imahot/Gevurot)

  • Shehecheyanu

Prayers and Blessings Audio

Attendance at Services

During the 7th grade year, we strongly suggest that families attend at least five Shabbat morning services and two Friday evening services prior to their BE Mitzvah dates. Services may be attended at other synagogues. We want to emphasize the importance of families attending services together. The best way to learn the prayers is to attend services.

Special Needs

Does your child or family have any special needs that should be considered in BE Mitzvah preparation? Please communicate with clergy as early as possible regarding any learning or health concerns of the student. This is very important for anticipating the student’s needs and helping her/him succeed. We will handle your information with confidentiality and respect.

We understand that every student’s final service and accomplishments will look different. Our goals is to challenge students to the best of their abilities and use whatever tools we can to help them feel successful and confident through the B’nai Mitzvah experience. Please contact Rabbi Lisa to talk more about special needs.

New: “Late Joiners” BE Mitzvah Track

PTBE requires that a student is enrolled in PTBE Education programs and/or Hebrew Day School (or another Jewish educational program) by 4th grade to qualify for BE Mitzvah service dates and tutoring. We understand that not every family has the same path to BE Mitzvah. We want to be able to accommodate students who come to this opportunity when they are in their middle school years:

Students who join in 6th or 7th grade will be led through the BE Mitzvah process on a faster pace. The clergy will adapt their service requirements so they can participate meaningfully in a full ceremony.

  • Date Assignment: According to calendar availability, PTBE will assign a service date that allows for at least 1 year of preparation

  • Student will make up Hebrew learning for 6 months ($180/Month)

  • BE Mitzvah tutoring preparation begins 6 months before service date

  • Student and parent(s) attends 6th Grade orientation programs (if applicable)

  • Student and parent(s) attend 6th Grade BE Mitzvah retreat (if applicable)

  • Student participates in 7th Grade Mitzvah Corps

  • Student participates in D’var Torah writing workshops

  • Families attend 1:1 meetings with Rabbi

  • Student attends Bimah rehearsals with Cantor and Lead Rabbi

  • Families celebrate a BE Mitzvah ceremony with clergy, tech support and gifts

  • Families have access to celebrate their service afterwards in Fellowship Hall 

Late Joiner BE Mitzvah Fees: 6th/7th Grade Start Date: $3000

Preparation Timeline

6th and 7th Grade Education Program

In-house Tutoring and D’var Torah Writing