L’dor Vador - From generation to generation - speaks to all of us.

Your generous gift to this year’s annual campaign will help ensure that PTBE is here for generations to come, sustaining and strengthening a strong Jewish community on the Peninsula. Your contribution will help our PTBE community thrive!

Click the Chai Giving button below to make your contribution to the Chai Giving Campaign 5785. You can also mail a check to the temple office or email Monica Boardman with your pledge.

Donations appreciated by December 31, 2024.

OR, make a check payable to PTBE with “Chai Giving” in the memo line, and mail to:

Peninsula Temple Beth El
1700 Alameda de las Pulgas
San Mateo, CA 94403
Attn: Chai Giving

We are also happy to accept donations by DAF and stock transfer. Please contact Executive Director Kate Lauzar
for more information on how to give.


 general Donations

Your contribution supports a wide range of PTBE activities that strengthen our temple and promote our service to the community. People donate in memory of loved ones, in honor of people or occasions, as a gesture for healing, or “just because.” Where requested, we will inform people that donations were made in their honor, or notify the families of the deceased. 

Donations can be applied to our General Fund, the Discretionary Fund* of one of our clergy, a temple auxiliary, or one of our many funds designated for various ways of supporting the congregation and community. 

Make electronic donations here via credit card or e-check.

*Discretionary Funds are Funds of the Temple that are disbursed by the specific members of our Clergy. These Funds are to be used for the benefit of PTBE and such other purposes as: to assist Congregants or other individuals in need; to fund other 501(c)3 organizations, including PTBE; to supplement customary synagogue expenses; and to enable the purchase of items to be used by the Clergy but which remain the property of PTBE. They may not be used for the personal benefit of the staff member or his/her family.