vshanantam lvanechah.JPG

V'shinantam l'vanecha
And you shall teach them to your children
  - Deuteronomy 6.7

K-12 Education Program 2024-25 Calendar

Brit Kavod (Behavior and Participation Agreement)

The Tot-Teen Education Programs at PTBE focus on building a positive Jewish identity in our students. We understand how Judaism offers a framework for our lives and we celebrate those Jewish holidays, rituals, and life milestones by being together. We want our students to love being Jewish and figure out for themselves what that means. We each depend upon one another to strengthen core Jewish values so we can all make the world a stronger, safer, and healthier place to live. We learn to appreciate that all of us must take responsibility for one another. We take our responsibility of educating the next generation very seriously, so we don’t just teach from a textbook – we strive to invigorate Judaism in ways that are engaging, innovative and fun! 

PTBE understands Jewish Education as a strong partnership between parents, students, and teachers. At PTBE, we value our Jewish community and the relationships that are built by being together. We work on establishing friendships and having fun together in the community. We believe that if relationships are not strong at PTBE, Jewish life is at stake. No matter your experience with Judaism or background, you and your family belong in our dynamic, inclusive learning community. 

There are many programs and cohorts to find your place at PTBE. We hope you’ll take your place in our holy community!

Click the links below to check out our various program options that meet your family’s needs from Tots-Teens and Beyond!

We look forward to speaking with you and answering any questions you may have:

For financial considerations or scholarship information please contact our Executive Director, Kate Lauzar.

For questions about Elementary education and young family programs including Shabbat Family Jam and Rishonim, please contact Alison Levy

For our Hebrew, 6th Grade WNP, BE Mitzvah preparation, 7th Grade Mitzvah Corps program, Madrichim opportunities, Tikkun Teen Fellowship, 10th Grade Confirmation, health and safety, or general program questions please reach out to Rabbi Genevieve.

We gratefully acknowledge a grant from the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund to support scholarships for our educational programs.