Kol Nidre

Friday, October 11

Adult Service 7:00 p.m.

(In-person and virtual options available)

We begin our observance of atonement with inspirational liturgy led by our clergy and the moving melodies of Cantor Elana and the High Holy Days Ensemble. We encourage you to wear your tallit on this sacred evening. If you would like to borrow a tallit, PTBE will have a limited number on loan as you enter. 

PTBE families are welcome to attend. Please note that service content is geared towards adults and service time is full length.

For services geared toward families, please see the Young Family Service on Yom Kippur, Saturday 10/12 at 8:30 a.m.

Those joining at home can follow the service with this virtual prayer book on a second device (i.e. tablet, phone, etc.) 

You can download in advance or open at service time.