Parking Permits for PTBE Lot

For those planning to attend HHD services in person at PTBE, please note that most of the PTBE parking lot will be reserved for accessible, ADA parking for those with special mobility needs. You must have a temple issued permit, not your state issued permit since we need to track how many spaces are needed. Please reserve your space in the Temple parking lot by Friday, September 27.:

  • You can request a temple parking permit by calling the temple office at (650) 341.7701 OR emailing the Ronnie Weisberg. (NOTE: Having a State-issued placard alone will not reserve your spot. We need to track how many spaces are needed.)

  • If you are attending in-person services and you do not have a pre-ordered Temple lot permit, we welcome you to drop off any individual with mobility issues in front of the gate, before parking.

  • If you don’t have a parking permit from PTBE, plan to arrive early for a limited first come, first served space in the PTBE lot.

  • Otherwise, please park in the lot next door at 1900 Alameda for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre (after 5 pm) and Yom Kippur only

  • On Rosh Hashanah Days 1 & 2 you will not be able to park next door. Please find street parking that day.